
Participants will be able to ask questions using a question wall through a SLIDO link, which will be provided at the beginning of the conference. Bilingual conference in French and English (with simultaneous translation). In person or remotely.

8:30am to 09:00am: Welcoming - coffee
  • Magali REINERT, Moderator of the conference
09:00am to 09:20am: Introduction 
  • Guy RICHARD, Director of Directorate for the collective scientific assessment, foresight and studies (DEPE), INRAE
  • Olivier LE PIVERT, Public Policy Support Delegate, Ifremer
  • ADEME 
09:20am to 10:10am: Introduction : Presentation of the study (part 1)
Introduction by the scientific pilots of the study
  • Catherine DONNARS, Study coordinator, INRAE
  • Françoise LESCOURRET, Scientific pilot of the study, INRAE
  • Clara ULRICH, Scientific pilot of the study, Ifremer
  • Olivier LE GALL, Scientific pilot of the study, INRAE
Presentation by members of the expert committee
  • Methodological frameworks
  • Evaluation of biodiversity practices by field of activity (agriculture, aquaculture, fishing)
10:10am to 10:30am: Discussions with participants
10:30am to 10:50am: Coffee break
10:50am to 11:20am: Presentation of the study (part 1)
Presentation by members of the expert committee
  • Methodological avenues for assessing the impact of food products on biodiversity 
  • Institutional design of labels and proposal to take it into account in the evaluation of effects
11:20am to 11:40am: Discussions with participants
11:40am to 11:50am: Conclusion by the scientific pilots of the study
11:50am to 12:00pm: Discussions with participants
12:00pm to 12:40pm: Roundtable        
  • Sylvie DAURIAT, President of the RESTAU'CO interprofessional network from Product to Guest (RESTAU'CO)
  • Sophia MAJNONI D'INTIGNANO, General Delegate of the National Federation of Organic Agriculture (FNAB)
  • Rita SAHYOUN, Marine Program Manager and Sustainable Fisheries at the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
12:40pm to 01:00pm: Conclusion and closing of the conference
  • François HOULLIER, Chair and CEO of Ifremer
  • Philippe MAUGUIN, Chair and CEO of INRAE